Tools for Learning Logic
Logical Reasoning with Diagrams and Sentences is a complete textbook for a course which teaches formal reasoning using both diagrammatic and sentential representations.
The courseware package contains Hyperproof, a proof environment for constructing natural deduction proofs in which each step might contain either a diagram or a sentence of first-order logic. The logic contains inference rules which permit the inference of diagrams from sentences and vice versa. The package also contains access to our innovative Internet-based grading service the Grade Grinder.
Language, Proof and Logic is a complete textbook for an introductory course in logic covering propositional and first-order logic through completeness and soundness, with sections on set theory and induction.
The courseware package includes Fitch, a proof environment for constructing natural deduction proofs, Boole an application for constructing truth tables and Tarski's World an environment for investigating the semantics of first-order sentences in the blocks world. The package also contains access to our innovative Internet-based grading service the Grade Grinder.
Tarski's World is a book of exercises aimed at introducing the semantics of first-order logic though our application Tarski's World. The current edition has access to our innovative Internet-based grading service Grade Grinder.